в казахстане

Казахстан — Википедија

Казахстан (каз. Қазақстан, рус. Казахстан), званично Република Казахстан (каз. Қазақстан Республикасы, рус. Республика Казахстан) је држава у средњој Азији. Површином је девета земља на свету, али већи део територија ...

Economy of Kazakhstan - Wikipedia

The economy of Kazakhstan is the largest in Central Asia in both absolute and per capita terms, but the currency saw a sharp depreciation between 2013 and 2016. It possesses oil reserves as well as minerals and metals. It also has considerable agricultural potential with its vast steppe lands accommodating both livestock and grain production. The mountains in the south are important for apples ...

Казахстан — Википедия

В Казахстане есть несколько важных рек, являющихся судоходными. Все они протекают по окраинам страны, в центральной части, однако здесь …

GE Healthcare рассказала, как digital-решения могут ...

НУР-СУЛТАН, Россия, 25 октября 2019 г. – GE Healthcare выступила партнером международной конференции и выставки Digital Health Astana – крупнейшего в Казахстане мероприятия в сфере высоких технологий в здравоохранении, прошедшего во ...

Бедность в Казахстане | Asian Development Bank

В Казахстане 4,3% населения жили ниже национальной черты в 2018 году. В Казахстане доля занятого населения, живущего на менее $1,9 по паритету покупательной способности, составляла 0% в …

Fircroft Kazakhstan office - Atyrau

Fircroft Kazakhstan office - Atyrau. Fircroft offer an unrivalled on-site, in-country service enabling us to locate, deploy and support suitably qualified candidates across the global community.

Travel to Kazakhstan: tours, visa, events, guides

We welcome you to discover four facets of Kazakhstan's tourism - the 4 E's: Eco, Ethnic, Entertainment and Events. Experience untouched nature and magnificent landscapes, unwind in authentic nomadic culture and gastronomy, try numerous entertainment options and enjoy vibrant festival and events of …

Ограничительные меры в Казахстане с 5 июля,2020 : …

Привет всем, I am half-russian from my father, i was born there and lived there during my early childhood, now i mive in Morocco. My mother went to Russian for medical studies, when i asked her why she returned to Morocco, she said that doctors' salaries were very low, life was very expensive, you couldn't buy a house or start a project without saving up for a very long time.

UNDP in Kazakhstan

Human Development Report 2019. Entitled “Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: inequalities in human development in the 21st Century”, the UNDP’s flagship Human Development Report 2019 brings new approaches to measuring progress beyond economic growth alone.

Kazakhstan GDP | 1990-2019 Data | 2020-2022 Forecast ...

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Kazakhstan was worth 180.16 billion US dollars in 2019, according to official data from the World Bank and projections from Trading Economics. The GDP value of Kazakhstan represents 0.15 percent of the world economy. GDP in Kazakhstan averaged 90.32 USD Billion from 1990 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 236.63 USD Billion in 2013 and a record low …

The World Bank in Kazakhstan

With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.

Lithuania Visa Information In Kazakhstan - Home Page

This site provides information who wish to apply for a short term and long term visa to Lithuania. The Consulate of Lithuania Almaty through the Visa Center accepts documents of customers for short-term visas to Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Finland and Iceland.

EY в Казахстане

Обзор заработных плат и компенсаций в Казахстане. Компания ey приглашает вашу компанию принять участие в ежегодном обзоре заработных плат и компенсаций за 2020 год . Подробнее

Казахстан – Уикипедия

Казахстан, официално Република Казахстан (на казахски: Қазақстан Республикасы, на руски: Республика Казахстан) е република в централната част на Евразия.Площ – 2 724 902 km² (4-то място по големина в Азия и 9-о място в света).

Дети Казахстана | ЮНИСЕФ Казахстан

В Казахстане проживают 5 623 387 детей в возрасте от 0 до 17 лет, что составляет около 31% населения страны. Начиная с 2008 года, когда страна перешла на международные критерии живорождения, в ...